Listening to and playing music is a natural part of life and contributes to body, mind and spiritual health.
Music enhances relationships and daily routines and delivers wonderful ‘moments of joy!’.
While there are specialists and experts in music care practice, everyone can use music for care.
Music supports other forms of care and therapeutic modalities like therapeutic touch or art therapy.
Music helps us stay active throughout our lifetime and is a source of stimulation.
Music can be calming and relaxing, a source of comfort in stressful and anxious times.
Family Caregiver
Staff Member, Acclaim Health Adult Day Program
Residence Experience Partner, Sienna Living
Director of Programs & Rehabilitation, Kindera Living
Teacher, St. Noel Chabanel Elementary School
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Charitable Registration #85728 5092 RR0001 • Room 217 Foundation™
Box 145 Port Perry, ON, L9L 1A2 • 844.985.0217