


Room 217 supports that are designed for care

PATHWAYS is a research-informed, targeted singing program for dementia care.The goal is to provide a program that can be used repeatedly by paid and unpaid caregivers who may not be confident in leading music sessions on their own. Briar Boake is the singing host and engages the audience with her beautiful voice, infectious smile and invitational approach.

Seasons is one of the PATHWAYS collections comprised of 4 – 30 minute episodes entitled Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall. Each episode uses 5 well-known songs. Briar invites participants to join in accompanied by the musical track. There are lots of visuals to help engage participants in the song themes.

The singing experience is enhanced by extending the song themes into stimulating activities. Some activity ideas are based on universal themes like love or hope. Some activities have been derived from the lyrics of the songs. Activities can be modified or extended and provide 100s of hours of repeatable, multi-sensory and interactive programming.

The Seasons Collection can be purchased on its own or within the complete collection of PATHWAYS and is sold at the store on or on the MUSIC CARE CONNECT app available on Google Play or the Apple Store.  

“We continue to use the PATHWAYS videos on a regular basis. It is also a very successful program that we put on when we have clients that begin to pace and exit seek. PATHWAYS de-escalates the behaviours and calms the clients enabling them to focus on videos.” -Manager, Adult Day Program, Brantford, ON

A picture of a mountain range with a city in the foreground.

Recollections 6 is a one-hour video of images accompanied by the gentle music of Room 217’s Lotus Blossom album. Iconic sounds are reflected in the sights of familiar scenes from South Asia. This dual sensory stimulation is paced at a slower tempo with images changing approximately every 8-13 seconds. Recollections 6 is designed for reminiscence and is used in Snoezelen rooms, hospital waiting rooms and quiet channels, long-term care, hospices and private homes.

Recollections 6 can be used as a meaningful activity for people living with dementia one to one or in a small group. Conversations may bubble up from recalling a story prompted by one of the images. Images may be pastoral i.e., scenic, historical or animate i.e., artifacts, food or transportation. The video may be paused to reflect on and remember the experience.

You can listen to one of the video clips ‘Morning Light’ here.

To purchase the Recollections 6 DVD, visit our store or download the MUSIC CARE CONNECT app from Google Play or the Apple Store.

"After snack time is over, before everybody goes to sleep, I like to put on Recollections. It creates a calming atmosphere and helps to distract the residents. It unites them in a way." – Penny, LTC nurse

A chair on a dock with the words life review on the bottom

Life Review is a collection of pictures and questions that catalyze memories and conversations about and is part of the MUSIC CARE CONVERSATION CARDS series. Life Review is designed specifically for using with people nearing the end of life, by people who are skilled caregivers and close loved one of the dying person. It can also be used to support bereaved people after the death.

Life Review is a music care tool for reminiscence, life review and legacy creation. Each card has a theme with a picture and some music-related questions. These cards can be used to engage in conversation with a dying person about their life, to broach the subject of challenging relationships and unfinished business, to address funeral planning and remembrance, and to find comfort and meaning in listening to music, together.

The first section of Life Review is called Telling Your Story which prompt a person to construct a narrative of their life through music. The next section, Being Together, focuses on creating meaningful moments in the here and now. Completing Life’s Tasks is the third section and addresses unfinished business, lasting messages and legacies , and conversations about music for funerals and other rituals. The Work of Grief is the final section designed for supporting bereaved people.

Life Review is not meant to be used word for word, start to finish. It is meant to inspire possible avenues of conversation. Some of the questions may bring complex emotions, so not every question will feel comfortable or appropriate to use. Use the cards flexibly. If you encounter responses that you are not sure how to handle, seek support from qualified counsellors.

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