This past week I attended and played music for the passing of a close family member after a brief illness. As I entered the funeral home, I was drawn to a table beside some pictures and mementos that included a sports jersey, baseball glove, guitar, and accordion. It was a loving tribute to a person that wore many hats in life. Although Allen Ellis was known around the community as an active and skilled athlete, those fortunate to have a closer window into his life knew about his passion for music and a good old-fashioned tune. As I approached the table, I noticed a hand-written songlist written on a piece of blank paper that really captured my heart.
There it was, in his own writing, a song list that he had created. The titles, penned very carefully, were crafted with thought and purpose. I couldn’t help but wonder why these titles were selected. What was the connecting thread between them? Did they hold special memories for him or were they selected because they were old favourites that were easily played? Perhaps it was a bit of both...
Once I started scrolling the list, I carefully placed these songs within my own experiences and soon realized that this was probably his best campfire playlist. I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I pictured him once again, full of life, singing a few of these tunes with family and friends joining in. Although there were many predictable titles on this list, a few surprised me and unlocked a way of knowing him that I hadn’t experienced before.
As I glanced down at the playlist, I was reminded of a field trip I was on with high school students at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. What struck me most as I toured the exhibits were the handwritten song lyrics on hotel scratch pads, napkins, coasters, and cigarette packages. Having a window into the birthplace of famous tunes, penned in original handwriting, allowed me to imagine how the magic unfolded in those moments of creativity. I took one last glance at Allen’s playlist and went home and celebrated him by listening to a few of his old favourite tunes, grateful for the connection music brings to our lives.
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