The mission of Room 217 Foundation has been strengthened by a host of contributors. Ever year since 2005, Room 217 thanks our closest supporters by honouring them as Companions of Room 217. Each one has contributed in a unique way. Each one believes with us that music can make an improvement to the care experience. Each one shows it by their actions.
Our Companions represent a variety of types of partners we work with including volunteers, distributors, suppliers, staff, donors, customers, directors of the Board, and other professional colleagues.
We want to honour our Companions, say thank you, and recognize their contributions. Companions are chosen on an annual basis with an awards celebration every two years. A complete list of Companions is found by clicking on the link.
We appreciate the contribution of these 7 new Companions who have made significant contributions in 2021 and 2022.
Susan Aglukark has generously shared her story and music at our music care conferences in Fredericton, Calgary, Waterloo, and New Westminster. Susan headlines Room 217’s benefit concert, Voices that Care in 2023. We appreciate Susan’s companionship along the journey.
Innovasium has helped us develop our re-branded website musiccare by Room 217, our CONNECT app digitally delivering our products, and a portal for our training and certification programs. Their light-hearted approach has made these projects fun and enjoyable.
Sonia Brown has exceptional leadership skills in human resources, coaching, and team-building which have been well leveraged and appreciated as she has chaired the Board through the challenges of the pandemic. We have thrived under Sonia’s leadership.
Lee Bartel has had a tremendous influence on the development of the music care approach, our research arm, and the musiccare CERTIFY program. A lifelong learner, educator and global influencer on music and health, Dr. Bartel is professor emeritus of the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto.
Susan Scott Gabe has catalyzed the musiccare CERTIFY program into a quality improvement program for care organizations. Her intimate understanding of the healthcare system as a nurse and homecare business owner has provided a wealth of wisdom as we operationalized the various elements.
Kenna Kozak jumped in with both feet as Operations Manager of the Room 217 Foundation in the first months of the pandemic. A wizard in all things technical and production, Kenna was able to shift Voices that Care from a stage to TV production and coordinate our first virtual global Music Care Conference.
Donna Cansfield has been a valued member of the Room 217 Board serving two terms. Her experience and expertise in governance provided a solid policy and compliance framework. She helped to create our Legacy Fund. Donna’s perspective is always informed, always for the betterment of Room 217.
Charitable Registration #85728 5092 RR0001 • Room 217 Foundation™
Box 145 Port Perry, ON, L9L 1A2 • 844.985.0217