Have you ever listened to a song and felt like you were transported back in time? I know I have.
For individuals living with dementia, this can be harnessed as a powerful tool to help them remember important times in their lives with friends and family.
In neurologic music therapy, we use a technique called Associative Mood and Memory Training or AMMT for short. Thaut (2014) describes AMMT as a musical mood induction technique to induce a mood congruent state for memory recall or to access associative mood and memory networks by inducing a positive emotional state in learning and recall.
A mood congruent state occurs when information we are encoding or recalling matches our current mood. For example, remembering positive memories while in a positive mood. State dependent memories occur when information encoded in a particular state is better remembered if the same state is experienced at the time of recall. For example, remembering details of your own wedding while attending another wedding.
Associative mood and memory networks refer to the fact that our memories are encoded in connection with concepts that describe the event, such as the people, weather or location.
For these reasons, when I implement AMMT with older adults I play a combination of live and recorded music with different props and images related to songs they would have enjoyed in their young adult years and ask them questions about the music and their experiences to help facilitate memory recall.
Did you know that our most significant memories are created between the ages of 15 and 25?
This phenomenon is called a “reminiscence bump”. Studies have found that this applies to music as well. In the reminiscence bump, music and memories from these years will be more readily recalled.
What's interesting about this is that we also have these cascading mini reminiscence bumps. The first mini bump occurs for the music our parents listened to, and the second mini bump occurs for the music our grandparents listened to!
The next time you want to help someone reflect on the positive memories in their life, or even in your own life, put on some music related to these special memories and see what happens.
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