We are gearing up for the March webinar already, and this month’s presenter comes to you from the U.K. Grace Meadows will be speaking about Music for Dementia 2020 , and the campaign to use music to bring about change in dementia care.
Grace is a music therapist and a director with Music for Dementia 2020, The Utley Foundation in London, U.K. She is leading the campaign to make music available for people living with dementia.
It was during her investigation into music therapy as a scope of practice that Grace witnessed the impact that music had on a group of older adults with dementia. Grace saw how the music therapist orchestrated the building of a connection between people who just moments before had been withdrawn and closed off. Soon they were participating together, singing and dancing; this is how Grace wanted to utilize her gift of music.
She completed her training in 2006, and has been with the Utley Foundation for 18 months. Her job is multi-faceted, and includes roles likes working with care homes to investigate what they’re doing with music, working with awareness and public relations, and working with policy makers about how music can become ingrained in dementia care.
In the webinar, Grace will discuss Music for Dementia 2020, and its campaign to make music available for everyone living with dementia. It is one of the leading causes of death in the U.K.; 850,000 people are currently living with a diagnosis – with an aging population, this number is set to rise to 1 million by 2021. With no cure, the emphasis is now on personalizing dementia care to help people live as well as they can. In this presentation, Grace will outline the ambitions of the campaign, and how we can help people living with dementia to live well by personalizing dementia care through music.
The learning objectives for her webinar include having a good understanding of the context of music and dementia care in the U.K., being able to identify and describe the NHS (National Health Service) Universal Personalised Care Model, and being able to identify and describe the ways in which music is used to personalize dementia care.
Grace has worked in adult mental health, special education and most recently in a Child Development Service and Maternity Service within a London NHS Hospital Trust. Alongside this, she plays contrabassoon and bassoon with various semi-professional and amateur orchestras across London.
The British Columbia Therapeutic Recreation Association ’s education committee has received approval from the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification for .1 continuing education credit for attending this webinar, and had determined that it qualified for one of the special practice areas.
Here’s the link to register for Wednesday’s webinar. Our webinars take place the second Wednesday of the month, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. ET. If you miss it, you can always go back to Room 217’s reference library and watch it later. Did you know we have several years’ worth of webinars in the library? You will find journal articles, blog posts and archived webinars by searching key words.
Deb Bartlett is a journalist by profession, with a particular interest in the health and education beats. As Room 217’s Resource Lead, her experience as a writer lends valuable communication and networking expertise within the wide range of Room 217 customers and media relations.
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