I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our guest blogger Val Maloney. Val has been touched by the mission and purpose of Room 217 and when asked to share how music has affected her life, was quite willing to let us in on her private childhood memories of music and her Grandmother. Thanks Val, for taking the time to share with us.
When words leave off, music begins. ~ Heinrich Heine
As f
ar back as I can remember, I have always associated music with my Grandma. From singing nursery rhymes and old show tunes as a toddler, to Christmas songs during the holidays, there were always tunes in the air. But my Grandma’s favourite singer was always Anne Murray. She would sing her songs at family parties, while making dinner and cleaning. We would hear about her concerts, when she was on TV and when she was on the radio. So when my Grandma had a stroke which put her in the hospital it seemed as though the music had stopped. And for awhile it did. But eventually, while she remained in the hospital she began humming those old familiar tunes, like ‘Snow Birds’ while we visited her. It might have been sad at first, to remember a time when she was healthy, but it also brought everyone a bit closer together. Bringing a bit of levity to a moment of worry and sadness. When my Grandma died years after the stroke it was only fitting that we play Anne Murray at her funeral. A fitting completion to the memory linking music to her. Music might not have healed my Grandma, but it did bring us closer together. Is there a song, or singer that you associate with your childhood and family? You can hear more familiar music produced by Room 217. Check out our catalogue!
Charitable Registration #85728 5092 RR0001 • Room 217 Foundation™
Box 145 Port Perry, ON, L9L 1A2 • 844.985.0217