Music based strategies for care
Forest bathing is increasingly recognized by wellness experts as a simple practice that can enhance quality of life, reduce stress, and foster feelings of gratitude and wellbeing. Enriching mindfulness practices like forest bathing is particularly powerful when considering nature’s sounds.
Mindfulness practices encourage us to focus on the present moment, letting go of distracting thoughts and worries. The object of focus can be anything—your breath, a candle flame, a sensation—or a sound, including music.
During forest baths, focus on the sounds of nature to ground yourself and stay anchored in the present. This time of year, it might be the gentle rustling of wind through crisp leaves, the harmonious chorus of crickets, or the lazy hum of bees on the last blossoms of the season. In the depths of winter, it’s the stillness of the landscape, occasionally broken by the calls of jays or crows. These natural sounds, the music of the world around us, help refocus when our minds begin to wander into rumination.
To try this on your own, you don’t need to be deep in a forest—you can be in a park, on a beach, or even on your balcony or by a window. You can do this practice solo, or if you’re a caregiver, invite your care recipient to join you. Listen fully and deeply to the music of the natural world around you and allow its harmony to anchor your thoughts and calm your wandering mind.
Remember to breathe deeply, connecting to your own life force as you bathe in the sounds of nature.
Room 217 supports that are designed for care
Life Review is a collection of pictures and questions that catalyze memories and conversations about and is part of the MUSIC CARE CONVERSATION CARDS series. Life Review is designed specifically for using with people nearing the end of life, by people who are skilled caregivers and close loved one of the dying person. It can also be used to support bereaved people after the death.
Life Review is a music care tool for reminiscence, life review and legacy creation. Each card has a theme with a picture and some music-related questions. These cards can be used to engage in conversation with a dying person about their life, to broach the subject of challenging relationships and unfinished business, to address funeral planning and remembrance, and to find comfort and meaning in listening to music, together.
The first section of Life Review is called Telling Your Story which prompt a person to construct a narrative of their life through music. The next section, Being Together, focuses on creating meaningful moments in the here and now. Completing Life’s Tasks is the third section and addresses unfinished business, lasting messages and legacies , and conversations about music for funerals and other rituals. The Work of Grief is the final section designed for supporting bereaved people.
Life Review is not meant to be used word for word, start to finish. It is meant to inspire possible avenues of conversation. Some of the questions may bring complex emotions, so not every question will feel comfortable or appropriate to use. Use the cards flexibly. If you encounter responses that you are not sure how to handle, seek support from qualified counsellors.
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